A Condominium Association
210 Galaxy Lane
Melbourne Beach Florida 32951
(321) 724-6056
Message from the Treasurer to all ORA Owners: November 6, 2024
The proposed “2025” ORA Operating Fund Budget is on the reverse side. The Board of Directors will decide on its adoption at a Budget Board Meeting in conjunction with a regular BOD Meeting on December 7, 2024. This budget is a “Zero Based” budget. Actual expenses for the last two budget years and anticipated expenses based on information gathered, rather than an arbitrary percentage increase, is how the budget is determined. All revenue and expense line items were thoroughly reviewed.
Time has been spent my myself, Mr. Charles Gooding, and your Board of Directors thoroughly reviewing all expenses and their placement in the budget line items. Changes have been made.
Areas of significant increase over the “2024” estimated actual are:
Administration | +74% |
Health Insurance | +3.6% |
Pools | +2.8% |
Professional Services | +6.9% |
Propane Total Equipment Expense | +40.4% |
Insurance | +9.9% |
Areas of significant decreases over the 2024 budget are:
Insurance -5.4%
Reserves -20.4%
Summation: The preliminary proposed “2025” assessment will be $255.00 per month. There is an increase of $8.25 per monthly the Operations Budget and a decrease of $8.27 per month in the Reserves Budget.